Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Haiku 1: Where are you, Friendships?

My friends all have gone -
No one to make jokes with now,
No one to suck it.

Chris and Rachel are on tour and have left me here in the HOMF without them. It hasn't even been a week yet and I'm about to go bonkers. And I have, like, TWO AND A HALF MORE WEEKS of living here without them! The worst part about it is that I have no one to bitch about The Sing-Off with. And trust me, the three of us together are REALLY GOOD at doing exactly that. BoomSnobs.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go make lunch...for one. MY LIFE!

What Barbershop sounds like without you

Chris and I are on the road with Sonos. Here is our attempt at barber shop without young William. If you are smart you'll turn back now. Miss you, Will! Xx

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bachel Rearer Berfday Cake!

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ah, the modern cookbook

Friendship Will, rocking a b-day cake for Rach, recipe straight off his iPad.
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hi will!!

Hey will hey how's it goin hi!!!!!!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

A Present for Rachel

Since Rachel's big day is quickly approaching, I shall gift her a home-baked two layer white cake with chocolate butter cream frosting. I shall attempt to bake said cake this very evening. I also intend to post pictures of it for all to witness. So you may gawk at it and compliment it's rad-ness, but you can't taste it. For us, the cake is real. For you, the cake is digital. The cake is a lie.

The cake...is a lie.

watching "father of the bride"

With the Friendships! I consistently forget how flipping awesome this movie is.

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Just another day at the HOMF

Katie and Ru, some dear friends, came over this morning to see our new pad :) You guys...I have a hoooooome now!! Super fun and exciting.
So my birthday's tomorrow...I sure would like a cake....hmmmm...who could make me a cake? Hmmm...
:D :D :D :D Oh hey, Will :D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Banana Nut Bread

Made some banana nut bread with chocolate chips today for the roomies :) Also, the aimiable Michael Alfera is coming over tonight for some eats, treats, and music. Most definitely time for a hang out sesh.

My education for the day consist of watching "Hellboy". Guillermo del Toro is a crazy genius. I'd say on the verge of being pretty f*@#ed up. That being said, this movie is amazing. Duh!

I'd say, overall, a good Sunday :D

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Everybody just calm down!!!

that is not only my instruction to the 2 of you in this moment, but it is also my newly found religious standing, and as soon as i figure out how, i'm going to change my facebook religious views to say so.


How am I supposed to follow that? Now who's the dick? Aidiosmio!!!!! :D

Blogging and Friendships

Congratulations on the first post, Chris. I'm really proud of you.

well hello dicks! =)

hey guys. hey.